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Mini Burgers with Pap Buns




For the stiff pap:


2 ½ cups water

1 cup White Star Quick Maize Meal

1 tbsp butter

Salt, to taste 

1 cup grated mozzarella cheese


For the Mini Burgers with Pap Buns:


pap, set on a baking sheet

2-3 tbsp oil, of choice

6-8 mini burger patties

3-4 slices of cheddar cheese, halved

2 small/medium tomatoes, sliced

6-8 lettuce leaves, washed & dried 

6-8 tooth pics 

Sauce, of choice 

Servings: 6-8 mini burgers 




1. Line a medium/large rectangular baking sheet (with sides) with wax paper. Grease if necessary. 


For the stiff pap:


1. Bring 1 ½ cups water to the boil in a medium pot. 


2. Mix the remaining 1 cup of water with 1 cup of White Star Quick Maize Meal to form a paste. Gradually add the maize meal paste while stirring, using a whisk. Cover with a lid. 

3. Bring to the boil and cook on medium heat for 4 – 5 minutes. 


4. Remove from the heat and add the butter, cheese, salt & pepper. Stir until melted and combined. Pour this mixture onto the baking sheet. Press it down firmly andevenly with the back of an extra-large spoon. Cover and allow to cool and set in the fridge for 2-3 hours


For the Mini Burgers with Pap Buns:


1. Remove the ‘set maize’ from the fridge. Turn onto a clean work surface and cut 12-16 equal discs the same size as the burger patties (a large glass can be used to form the ‘disc’). 


2. Brush both sides of the ‘pap’ discs with oil and grill them on a hot griddle pan, 2 minutes a side until neat grill lines form on the ‘pap bun’. Set aside.


3. Brush the burger patties with oil and grill them on the same griddle pan until cooked through, 3 minutes a side. 


4. Prepare the burgers by layering the cooked patty onto the ‘pap bun’, add the slice of cheese, tomato and lettuce, a drizzle of sauce and finish off the top ‘pap bun’. Serve while still hot and ENJOY!!


Steak & Super Crispy Pap Chips




For the stiff pap:


2 ½ cups water

1 cup White Star Quick Maize Meal

1 tbsp butter

Salt, to taste 

1 cup grated mozzarella cheese


For the Pap Chips, steak and egg:


2-3 cups oil, for frying 


2 Steaks of choice

2 eggs

Tomato sauce





1. Line a medium/large rectangular baking sheet (with sides) with wax paper. Grease if necessary. 


For the stiff pap:


1. Bring 1 ½ cups water to the boil in a medium pot, 


2. Mix the remaining 1 cup of water with 1 cup of White Star Quick Maize Meal to form a paste. Gradually add the maize meal paste while stirring, using a whisk. Cover with a lid. 


3. Bring to the boil and cook on medium heat for 4 – 5 minutes. 


4. Remove from the heat and add the butter, cheese, salt & pepper. Stir until melted and combined. Pour this mixture onto the baking sheet. Press it down firmly and evenly with the back of an extra-large spoon. Cover and allow to cool and set in the fridge for 2-3 hours.


For the Pap Chips:


1. Preheat the oil in a large pot, for frying.


2. Remove the set pap from the fridge and turn out onto a clean work surface. 


3. Cut off the curved edges and slice the pap lengthways into 1.5-2 cm strips. 


4. When the oil is warm enough, (*Test: pop the back of a wooden spoon into the oil, if it starts sizzling around the spoon, the oil is ready) add in the ‘pap chips’, no more than 10 at a time to ensure even cooking & no breaking. After about 5 minutes when the chips are golden & crisp, remove with a slotted spoon and place on paper towel to remove excess oil. 


5. Finish the chips in batches. Season.


6. Serve with a steak topped with an egg cooked to your liking and ENJOY!!


Cheesy Mince on Pap Toast




For the stiff pap:


2 ½ cups water

1 cup White Star Quick Maize Meal

1 tbsp butter

Salt, to taste 

1 cup grated mozzarella cheese


For the pap toast with mince:


Cooked beef mince/bolognaise mince

Butter, optional

Cheddar cheese, grated

Chopped Fresh Parsley




1. Line a medium/large rectangular baking sheet (with sides) with wax paper. Grease if necessary. 


For the stiff pap:


1. Bring 1 ½ cups stock to the boil in a medium pot, 


2. Mix the remaining 1 cup of water with 1 cup of White Star Quick Maize Meal to form a paste. Gradually add the maize meal paste while stirring, using a whisk. Cover with a lid. 


3. Bring to the boil and cook on medium heat for 4 – 5 minutes. 


4. Remove from the heat and add the butter, cheese, salt & pepper. Stir until melted and combined. Pour this mixture onto the baking sheet. Press it down firmly and evenly with the back of an extra-large spoon. Cover and allow to cool and set in the fridge for 2-3 hours.


For the Pap Toast:


1. Switch the oven onto the highest grill setting and grease a large tray.


2. Turn the pap onto a clean work surface. Cut off the curved edges from the set ‘maize pap’, then cut into equal squares, the size of normal bread slices. 


3. Place the ‘pap’ squares on the tray, and pop under the grill for 6 minutes, turn around half way.


4. Spread the crispy ‘pap toast’ with butter and top with hot and saucy mince and grated cheddar cheese. Garnish with chopped parsley and ENJOY!!

3 A-maize-ing Pap & Vleis Ideas 

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