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5-Ingredient Choco-Nana Split

Makes 4

Hands-on time: 10 minutes

Hands-off time: Overnight


2 (150g each) Cadbury Hollow Eggs with Astros

1 cup cream

½ tin (193g) condensed milk

5 Cadbury Creme Eggs

2 small bananas

Serving suggestion: Chocolate sauce

Mint leaves


1. Place a sharp knife into a tall glass filled with hot water for about 5 minutes. Dry your knife and carefully cut the Cadbury Hollow Eggs with Astros down the centre seam. Arrange the 4 cut egg halves in a freezer safe dish. Place a dish towel underneath to keep the eggs from moving. Save ½ the Astro’s for later! *Chef’s Tip: Heat and dry your knife between each cut.

2. In a chilled bowl, whip the cream with an electric handheld mixer until stiff peaks form, about 2-3 minutes.

3. Gently fold the condensed milk through the whipped cream, until just combined.

4. Chop the Cadbury Creme Eggs into equal sized chunks and carefully fold the chunks and ½ the Astro’s through the condensed milk ice cream mixture.

5. Pour the ice cream mixture into each half of the Cadbury Hollow Eggs, filling until full. Freeze the filled chocolate egg halves overnight for best result. *Chef’s Tip: Leftover ice cream can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

6. When ready to serve, split the bananas down the centre, creating 4 halves. *Chef’s Tip: If preferred, caramelize the banana halves in a non-stick pan with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Cook for about 5-6 minutes or until the bananas are golden and sticky.

7. To serve, garnish each chocolate egg with a banana halve, sprinkle over the remaining Astro’s and drizzle with the store-bought chocolate sauce, if using. Serve each immediately with a mint leaf and ENJOY!

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