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Neapolitan 'Nice Cream' Served 3-Ways

Serves 24 Hands-on time: 20 minutes Hands-off time: Overnight INGREDIENTS 6 medium bananas 9 tbsp low-fat milk 3 tbsp NESTLƉ Nesquik Strawberry Flavoured Drink 3 tbsp NESTLƉ Nesquik Chocolate Flavoured Drink METHOD 1. Peel the bananas and slice them into thin rounds. You should have about 440g of banana slices. Add the banana rounds to a resealable bag and freeze until solid, about 2 hours.

2. Add the frozen bananas and milk to a blender and blend until smooth, about 1-2 minutes. *Chefā€™s Tip: Do this in 2 batches if your blender is not big enough.

3. Divide the banana mixture between 3 bowls. Keep the first bowl as is. Flavour the second bowl with NESTLƉ Nesquik Strawberry Flavoured Drink and mix well to combine. Flavour the third bowl with NESTLƉ Nesquik Chocolate Flavoured Drink and mix well to combine. *Chefā€™s Tip: For a slightly brighter pink, add a drop of pink food colouring to the strawberry batch! For the ā€˜nice creamā€™ bowls: 4. Line a medium 20cm square baking dish with baking paper. Fold a sheet of foil up to create a divider, 20cm long and 5cm in height. Create 2 of these and place them evenly apart in the dish.

5. Pour the chocolate flavoured ā€˜nice creamā€™ into one side of the dish, the plain ā€˜nice creamā€™ in the centre and the strawberry flavoured ā€˜nice creamā€™ into the other side. Remove the foil-dividers from the tin and freeze the ā€˜nice creamā€™ for about 4 hours, or overnight for best result.

6. Scoop the nice cream from the dish and serve a scoop per bowl. Serve immediately and ENJOY! For the ā€˜nice creamā€™ lollies: 7. Line a medium 20cm square baking dish with baking paper, allowing the paper to overlap on the sides of the dish.

8. Pour the chocolate flavoured ā€˜nice creamā€™ into the base of the dish and spread to form an even layer. Freeze for 30 minutes until slightly firm, then carefully pour over the plain ā€˜nice creamā€™. Freeze for another 30 minutes before carefully pouring over the strawberry layer, using a spatula to even out the layer. Press wooden popsicle sticks through the ā€˜nice creamā€™, about 3cm apart. Freeze for about 4 hours, or overnight for best result.

9. Using a hot knife, cut squares around the lolly sticks and carefully pull out the lollies. Serve immediately and ENJOY! For the ā€˜nice creamā€™ cups: 10. Line a mini muffin tin with mini cupcake liners.

11. Pour the chocolate flavoured ā€˜nice creamā€™ into the base of the cupcake liners, filling 1/3 way full. Divide the plain ā€˜nice creamā€™ over the chocolate layer and top with the strawberry layer. Freeze for about 4 hours, or overnight for best result.

12. Remove the muffin tray from the freezer 5 minutes before needed and carefully pull off the wrapper from each cup. Serve immediately and ENJOY!

Planning to try this? If yes, please share your pictures with us on the Foodies Of SA Group on Facebook. We'd LOVE to see it! šŸ˜


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