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Quick & Easy Pizza-In-A-Pan

Makes: 1

Hand on-time: 15 minutes

Hands off-time: 20-25 minutes


1 tin (400g) Lucky Star Pilchards in Tomato Sauce

2 cups (226g) self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting

¾ cup plain double cream yoghurt

½ tsp salt, (optional)

1½ cups grated mozzarella cheese

¼ cup mushrooms, sliced

¼ cup green bell pepper, diced

Serving suggestion: Basil leaves


1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC and generously grease a 30cm oven-proof pan. *Chef’s Tip: Alternatively, use a baking tray!

2. Remove the pilchards from the Lucky Star Pilchards in Tomato Sauce tin and reserve the sauce until needed. Carefully remove the bones from the pilchard fillets using a fork and set aside until needed. *Chef’s Tip: It is not necessary to remove the bones as they are safe to eat!

3. In a large bowl, combine the self-raising flour, yoghurt, and optional ½ teaspoon of salt and knead until a smooth dough ball has formed, about 6-8 minutes.

4. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough into a circle, about 30cm in diameter forming the base of the pizza. Carefully transfer the pizza base to the prepared pan using a rolling pin.

5. Spread the reserved tomato sauce from the pilchard tin over the base of the pizza, avoiding the edges. Generously sprinkle the cheese over the pizza base. Add the mushroom, bell pepper, and pilchard fillets over the cheese. *Chef’s Tip: Add any of your favourite pizza toppings!

6. Place the pan on the middle rack in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until the cheese has melted and the crust is golden brown.

7. Slice the pizza into 8 slices and garnish generously with fresh basil leaves and ENJOY!


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